Fabio Nunes Teixeira was born in São Paulo on October 29, 1983 .
In 2005 , on a trip to South America , he discovered his passion for photography, especially for travelling and nature.
Fabio is educated in professional photography by the International School of Photography Grisart located in Barcelona , Spain. Fabio has a visual culture oriented to portray different behaviors, identities and landscapes.
Seeking to improve in the professional field of audiovisual , he also attended theTechnical Audio and Video School: “Jornalista Roberto Marinho” in Sao Paulo.and Advertising Production by Centro Universitário FMU - FIAM FAAM. He also holds a Lato Sensu Postgraduate Degree in Communication, Semiotics and Visual Languages from the Municipal University of São Caetano do Sul.
Currently Fabio is a photographic reporter by Guarulhos City Hall in São Paulo. He also operates in projects, shows , rehearsals, trips and events .